hello there,
It's been a while, how are you doing? hoping all are safe and breathing well, taking care of basic's in life. This pandemic has, brought us back to basics. right?!.
After years, I suddenly have the urge of blogging back, sharing with you guys something amazing, I have learnt. People who are, already aware must be some amazing souls out there. I just have to share the knowledge to remember! :p. or may be it just the winter vibe!
Our bodies are engineered so well, each body part; works like a art. being aware of their bodies, knowing the importance of pranayama, surya & Chandra Nadi - the breathing techniques etc.. has become a necessity for good. positivity, concentrating on our breath for minute has become a challenge.
Today was the day, I actually felt the change at 11:51pm.
In a day, 40minutes-4times-we change our breath patterns from left to right or right to left. The balance is maintained so well, that a healthy person can realise the rapid change of course with in 8min. Especially in the twilight zones, as captured above. The moment I realised, it was-mind-boggling. I couldn't resist my-self sharing with you all.
it's amazing isn't it - for more click on the link : Sadgurushares
Also am planning to go on a juice-diet to cleanse. has anyone tried it yet? if yes please do share your experience in the comments below.
Would love to hear from each one of you.