First of all a Very Happy ugadhi to all of you :).
Now this is how i celebrated my Telugu New year. how was yours?.
Started the day with a bang climbing trees, plucking flowers like a monkey.!
people who are curious to know about ugadhi festival. Wiki Helps.
Coming to the Ugadhi Chutney. The eating of a specific mixture of six tastes called Ugadi Pachhadi) in Telugu language symbolizes the fact that life is a mixture of different experiences (sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust, surprise) , which should be accepted together and with equanimity through the New Year.
The special mixture consists of:
Neem Buds/Flowers for its bitterness, signifying Sadness
Jaggery and ripe banana pieces for sweetness, signifying Happiness
Green Chilli/Pepper for its hot taste, signifying Anger
Salt for saltiness, signifying Fear
Tamarind Juice for its sourness, signifying Disgust
Unripened Mango for its tang, signifying Surprise.
Since my festive mood is still on. It's going to be a real long week-end.
Wish you One =).
Any plans this week-end?
P.S : Ugadhi Chutney recipe over here.
(all images by me!)