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For Sure - My Dream, is Soon Going to be True

because I do believe in it - How are u ?, Hope u are doing fine :-). Today is a FULL Moon Day - Mom says today is Buddha Pournami too, so it's a great day and no to non-veg. Ok ! Accepted mom; for the reason,  that Dreams are gonna be true, so wish carefully - Any Wish for Good comes true, I am a good girl, so may your all wishes come true and wish for mine too - I have this thing for PARIS - i have never been there nor i have any relatives,but how do i have this thing for Paris- i do not know , what to say actually !! how come i have, so much love and passion for Paris. May Be , Am  Romantic and admire little things in life, like Muri Mixture, Noodles and the passion flows to pasta  - Is there a reason actually - aww... No Idea! I just wanna visit PARIS once in my entire life  - May be single or with my Love. Any one wish is appreciated God . Oh GOD - Would Bribe u with a Mango :p  - Season u know  - pls..pls..Consider My request  or application :) 
Here comes -  The Dream of Mine - My journey to Paris....
 A view from my window at Paris

That Would be "ME" - one day for Sure 

Trying to live the Language.

No  - I didn't  -  What a Perfect Ending Right ?.. Wish for My Dream of visiting Paris Come True :). Have u Ever been to ParisHow was your experience ? do u live in Paris ? aww...Have a Great Day!

Images -


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I am serious yaar ! It took me hours to under stand that it's a personal diary ,whr i can express all my feelings away from my mom ,who always tries to peep in to my dairy at home and starts asking me all stupid questions which has no answer at all ,any ways it was fun ...! I have seen all my frds blogs and they are wonderful..! well u can say they are my inspiration for creating a blog for my self :) I feel a bit sad for missing all the fun u people had these days; in having ur own worries even i am into so let's see how wonderful its going to be..! :)