The Monkey Jump.

Finally I own a DSLR :)), In years the passion for capturing moments has grown over me. Looking over so many wonderful blogs, i always used to wonder how the hell are they doing it. pity me, they are professionals :p. I always wanted the blurred effect in the background or a focus only at certain point, it makes me sad to say my point and shoot camera never allowed me to do so. Now that my canon 550d is here; my nikon is going to take rest for a while. Yes! it is time from me to take some rest as well, after so much of manual exposure from my new cam, with a monkey jump i say goodnight :) & the monkey says bye.

(images by me.)


Anonymous said…
Wow, Congrats Bindu.. enjoy ur time with ur new passion. nice pics as usual..:-D

that effect is called bokeh, an interesting and Favorited one.. it adds new dimensions to the pics..

hope these help.. enjoy :-)


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