How can we stop our self ? from expecting something.For me it's truely impossible. People say that when u stop expecting something, U would be happy !! In such case then, what are scientists doing ? Miss World and Miss Universe pageants doing ? what are flim stars doing ? if they weren't expecting something from life, would they be achiveing something in life. I dont think so !!Then How can we stop expecting ?? At every phase of our life, we expect something. May be that is the reason we work so hard, to achive something in our lives. But once u achive it, u expect more....he he ...!!It May be ' For Someone ' or ' From Someone ' we Expect Right.While expecting " For someone " no harm raises. But expecting " From someone " There u go, the main problem raises. U Cry, U Hurt ur self, Ur heart dosent allow u to be happy, because u were expecting and when that dosent happen, trust me it badly hurts. Each and every person has to pass through this phase in their lives.But still Can u stop ur Self, expecting from Some One !! Try it ..........ha ha....!! Ur still expecting to be happy ....'From Someone'.
It's Party Time =) Vizag the City of destiny by night. I found a Crab! my cute sister Indu. My Favorite Uncle's daughter. Munni. Both are home for holidays! Grown up's at the beach. hey it's Dec 31st' 2012. Party time, let's post pone the party hang over to Jan 1st' 2013. U might be wondering, what must have happened that my look in the above picture seems worried! will let know in Next year. Wishing you all a Sexy New year 2013. Have a Blast, but be carefull. TC xoxo (image credits : 7&8 by sissy, rest by me)
So expectations what ever kind they are, as long as they donot create a headache/heartache in our lives its fine!