
My Mondays are exactly the way the pic is :) blur..!!. Feels like time is just exercising a lot.(meant running :p) 
Look a week has already passed by and am just ready to move, towards end of the year. 2 more weeks to go and a gorgeous new year is on it's way. Just waiting for the X-mass flavor on the streets, Santa and My city the-city of destiny to enter into a holiday mode. My city looks awesome with all the trees decorated by lights, while u imagine the look will post a few pics too. But before that, hold on tight' because a delicious home-made fish curry coming up by mom-the-sexy. 
Now u tell me, did you have a great start?

(image by me!)


Piril Maria said…
Mondays can be special like that. No worries, you're not alone to feel like that.

Followed the blog, hope you don’t mind. And who knows, maybe you’ll visit me someday too.

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